Isolated identity

Your life without a computer: what does it look like? Life without a computer ,is life disconnected with the virtual world, which is unfortunately wearing a garb for forged identity.Social media is saviour for people fighting loneliness due to distant relationships.If disconnected, without internet,I fear people like me will be constantly under stress of having […]


Silence is rarely used as an expression. Strangely this one word crept up in my imagination today when I was doing introspection for my blog. Silence is better than speech,I believe.Its better not to say anything rather than saying what you don’t want to say. My mother used to say “One silent man can defeat […]

Let’s start again

It’s been a long time since I connected with myself It’s been a long time since I cherished what I created It has been a long time since I tried to write, until an Angel whispered in my ears So here I am, with an ode to the divine intervention

Let’s start again

It’s been a long time since I connected with myself, It’s been a long time since I started to believe what I can do Until some Angel whispered in my ears So an idea to the divine intervention to start again

Set your heart

A human heart is so full of vibrant emotions. Hope,love, despair,fear,joy, disappointment…..all rolled up in a tight fist ,caged between ribs. we have heard mind rules over heart but over the years I have felt it’s the heart that rules over the mind….the optimism originates from the heart ,gives strength to will , feeds mind […]

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